1.颓废+绝望 Mad World-Gary Jules
“我做过最好的梦是我即将死亡”,这是《Mad World》的一句歌词。
Jules沙哑感性的嗓音,是对他慵懒工作的专集最好的褒奖,当他在Donnie Darko soundtrack上发行了令人惊叹迷惑的“Mad World”时, 财富开始向他微笑。这首歌在欧洲非常流行,并且最终传唱全球使JULES能够在美国发展 。
mad world其實是电影《死亡幻觉》的结尾曲,和影片结合得相当完美。观众听着mad world來品味电影的种种。mad world有很多版本。
试听:Mad World-Gary Jules
All around me are familiar faces 在我周围都是熟悉的面孔,
Worn out places Worn out faces 让人厌烦的地方,讨厌的面孔,
Bright and early for the daily races 清晨早起为了每天的工作,
Going no where Going no where 无处可去,无路可走,
Their tears are filling up their glasses 泪水浸末了眼眶,
No expression No expression 呆板的表情,冰冷的声音,
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 我低头掩饰我的悲伤,
No tomorrow No tomorrow 没有明天,也没有希望.
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad 我觉得可笑,我觉得悲哀,
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had 我做过最好的梦是我即将死亡。
I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take 我很难倾诉,很难承受,
When people run in circles it’s a very very 人们在一个圈子里进进出出,
Mad world Mad world 疯狂的世界,无序的世界
Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子等待着能让他们感觉快乐的日子,
Happy birthday Happy birthday 生日快乐,快乐生日,
And I feel the way that every child should 我觉得每个孩子该做的是,
Sit and listen Sit and listen 坐下,倾听,坐下,倾听,
Went to school and I was very nervous 走向学校,我感到不安,
No one knew me No one knew me 没人认识我,也没人了解我,
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson 好了,老师,告诉我课程吧,
Look right through me 请对我好些,
Look right through me 请正视我,
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad我觉得可笑,我觉得悲伤,
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had 我做过最好的梦是我即将死亡。
I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take 我很难倾诉,很难承受,
When people run in circles its a very very 人们在一个圈子里进进出出,
Mad world Mad world 疯狂的世界,疯狂的世界,
Enlarging your world 展现我的世界,
Mad world 疯狂的世界。
http://indiemuse.com/wp-content/ ... jules-mad-world.mp3
2.My Dying Bride(我垂死的新娘)-Roads

My Dying Bride(我垂死的新娘)可能是受众最多的Doom Metal(厄运金属)乐队了,他们的音乐优美而哀伤,乐队中的每一位几乎都参加多别的死亡乐队的排练和录音工作,可见他们的地位和技术是多么的令人信服,最出名的要算乐队中的小提琴手Martin Powell了,是他给早期的MDB带来了凄美的感觉,只有在他的琴声中,仿佛有一个鲜血溅满婚纱的新娘,嘴角带着点点血丝在向你微笑!乐队自从1990年建立,直至今天,一直在探讨Doom Metal新的表达方式,如果说大多数的Doom乐队活在Black Sabbath(黑色安息曰)的阴影中,那么MDB要算前卫厄运金属的范畴了。
http://224.cachefile1.rayfile.co ... 4ac9a7e/preview.mp3